You are tired of asking your children to translate what you are told over the phone? You are panicking each time you open your mailbox: “who is sending this? What does this figure down there mean, should I pay this or receive it?”. In France, you could easily handle these topics, but here you feel overwhelmed with daily requests, and you have difficulties in identifying what is critical – and at the end of the day, you can be an easy fraud victim?
Anna Connection Privée offers you, through a minimum 1-year subscription, a daily support on your paperwork, any meetings with medical services, house management, or any financial issue…

1- Manage your home
Follow-up visit 2 times a month
Repair and maintenance management
Mail and invoice management
2- Prepare your arrival
Housekeeping and laundry cleaning management
Check and start-up of the equipment
Organization and intervention of service providers (gardening, pool maintenance…)
3- Make your life easier
TV and Internet subscription
Help and support through administrative procedures
Co-owners meetings
Booking of restaurants, shows, guides…

Residents :
From 800 shekels per month

Non-residents :
From 500 shekels per month
We bought an apartment in Tel Aviv to spend our holidays there. But every year, it's the same problem, after putting the bags is the race. You have to fill the fridge, clean the house. In short, the holidays start late. Annaconnection is my great discovery. She takes care of my house in Israel. When we arrive, everything is ready fridge full and clean house. A real joy. And what professionalism!
We were planning to buy a holiday apartment in Tel Aviv but we did not know the market, we had medium confidence. Annaconnection took us by the hand for the visits, the administrative procedures... From the research, the negotiation, the bank has the signature, everything was settled quickly and without difficulties. Today it is Annaconnection that maintains our property in Israel. And the service is irreproachable.